Operations Guide

Commands & Keybinds

This page is currently outdated, check back for a new version soon.


T - Opens chatbox

Backspace Key - Closes menus

Esc - Close chatbox/Opens & closes menu

Tab (Hold) - Weapon selection

Tab - Quick Draw

X - Hands up/cancel emotes

U - Open smartphone

V - Change character point of view

G (Hold) - Quick emotes

K (Hold) - Clothing Menu

B - Point

F1 - Action Menu: Vehicle Actions

F2 - Inventory open/close

F3 - Emote List

F6 - Job actions/Whitelist job actions

F7 - Invoices

F8 - Console. If you accidentally pull this menu up hit F8 a second time to close it

/idcard - Brings up or gives your ID Card to the nearest person

/idcard_outside - Gives your ID Card to the person standing outside your vehicle


/me <action> - Display a character action in game IE: /me cries will display *the person cries* over your character.

/911 <message> - Contact SASP dispatch to relay a message, only use this if you are conscious and have a phone on you.

/911ems <message> - Contact EMS dispatch to relay a message, only use this if you are conscious and have a phone on you.

/die - Suicide

Shift+B - Tackle nearest person


Y - Seatbelt/Open trunk (when in front of the trunk)

Z - Cruise control

G - Vehicle actions while inside the vehicle

Q - Toggle ELS on and off

1/2/3 - Toggle Sirens on and off

M - Deploy tracking unit onto vehicle from front bumper

Numpad 8/5 - Lock and unlock the current speed on your front/rear radar

Numpad 9/6 - Lock and unlock the current plate on your front/rear plate reader

. - Anchor boat

/shuff - Change seats in your vehicle

/givecarkeys - Give your vehicle to another player, this will transfer ownership entirely

/rdoors - Open rear car doors

/hood - Pop the hood

/trunk - Pop the trunk


/togglehud <on>/<off> - Toggles HUD on and off

/plist - Toggles Active Police on and off

/plist 0 - Allows you to move the plist window around your HUD

F4 - Dispatch (Small)

L - Dispatch (Large)

5- Radar Remote


/emote /em /e <emote> - Type the corresponding emote name displayed in the emotes (F3) without parenthesis to play an emote on your character. X or Z will cancel this emote. IE: /e sitchair2

/emotebind <key> <emote name> - Binds an emote to a key

/emotebinds - Check your currently bound emotes

/emotemenu - Opens emote menu F3 by default

/emotes - List of available emotes

/walks - Displays list of walk styles (also F3)

/walk <style> - Change current walk style (also F3)

Clothing/Appearance Commands

/bag - Opens or closes your bag if you have one equipped

/bagoff - Take your bag off/on

/bracelet - Take your bracelet off/on

/disconnect - Disconnect from the server

/ear - Take your ear accessory off/on

/gloves - Take your gloves off/on

/glasses - Take your gloves off/on

/hair - Put your hair up/down/in a bun/ponytail

/hat - Take your hat off/on

/holster 1-3 - Take your holster off/on

/mask - Take your mask off/on

/neck - Take your neck accessory off/on

/pants - Take your pants off/on

/shoes - Take your shoes off/on

/shirt - Take your shirt off/on

/top - Take your top off/on

/vest - Take your vest off/on

/visor - Toggle hat variation

/watch - Take your watch off/on


Police Tablet - F2 Menu > Drag to use (Must be clocked in)

Body Armor - F2 Menu > Drag to use

Sting Energy - F2 Menu > Drag to use

Ammo - Select Gun (Put in hand) > F2 Menu > Drag to use

Weapon Attachments - Select Gun (Put in hand) > F2 Menu > Drag to use